Friday, November 9, 2012

How to Advertise/Sponsor Betty's Show

                                                 Host: Miss Betty Lamarr

Betty Lamarr invite all business owners to advertise on The Betty Lamarr
radio talk show. KWAM990 ( the voice of Memphis).
Contact Betty @
Betty can be seen on Comcast Cable every Friday night at 930PM on channel 17.
Coming soon to The Betty Lamarr Show on "Comcast Cable"
Dr. Kendra Taylor- Jones "Zumba Classes" and more fitness options.

Dr. Kendra-Taylor Jones

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Are Mother's Failing their children?

Elite Sponsor

Host: Betty Lamarr



The Conversation: The Influence of the Home
Saturday November 10, 2012
KWAM990 ( The Voice of Memphis)

            If you ask me the influence of the home is ground zero for all good and evil in our community. The right kind of home can provide the right start in the world of a child. It is a common saying " manners make the man," and a second is that "mind makes the man." However, I believe that "home makes the man." As I look out into the community and see people out of control and out of order my first thought is "home."  I can imagine the home life that these individuals come from. I think of children from fatherless homes, broken homes, mother's that are loose in the world that are living immoral, indecent lives in the presence of their children!

I believe that the mother should be the "Star" of the home. A bright shining star for her children to love, honor and respect.  
 If the star is not shining in the home, and has no positive energy to share with the children we will see much of what we witness everyday in our community.  Betty Lamarr and guest co-host Jackie Anglin will have a conversation about the importance of the Mother's role in the home, and her influence on her children.  My advice is that if you as a mother do not want to do the hard work of rearing children in the right way that they should go, please do the world a favor by not having kids in the first place. It is indeed just as easy not to have them as it is to do so!   Jackie Anglin, previously an educator will  enlighten us about exactly what educators in the public school system  deal with on a daily basis. as it relate to how children behave and the tragedy of not having a mother to be the "Star" in the home.                   

Betty Lamarr Show
Saturday's 11AM-12noon watch and listen "live"

Monday, November 5, 2012

CNS Healthcare Contact Information

                                     Dr. Shaina Shepherd, Psycologist